Let's recap


Designate a pilot/establish governance

Risk management requires a dedicated person or team. The task can be long and tedious, so it's important to entrust it to someone who knows how the organization works.


Event log

Take stock of past events, which will enable you to assess risks on the basis of past events.


Configuration risk scale

Set your risk scale and the conditions applicable to each level


Control points

Take stock of your organization's security measures and objectives. You can draw inspiration from the measures recommended in ISO 27001 (for IT security risks).


Risk identification

Start by identifying the risks to your most critical assets


Create a type of risk

identify feared events, threats, sources, etc.


Assess the risk

The assessment concerns inherent risk (the theoretical risk associated with the activity. It can also be defined as the initial risk, before any control measures) and residual risk (the risk remaining after the implementation of control measures).


Deal with the risk

Depending on the response, the control system may include the implementation of control points


Monitor the risk

Risk must live with the activity it covers. Developments are monitored on a regular basis.

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