Preliminary study

Before embarking on the technical implementation of the Dastra widget, we recommend that you go through a cookie audit of your websites.

1. Contact your webmaster or web agency

Before implementing the Dastra widget, we recommend that you get in touch with the person responsible for integrating tags and other markers on your website, and invite him or her into your workspace. This person will then be able to retrieve the code elements generated by Dastra that will be necessary to perform the various technical actions (setting up the banner, effectively blocking cookies in case of non-consent, etc.).

2. Perform a mini-audit of your website or web-app cookies

List the services/cookies associated with your domain name

To help you, you can use our turnkey cookie scanning tool.

This tool will allow you to identify on the fly the services installed on your site from our cookie database.

Cookies scanning

In addition, it is recommended to examine precisely all the services installed on your site (examination of the source code of the page, inspection of cookies...). Tools like can also help you to list these services.

For each domain or website you want to map, we recommend that you write a comprehensive list of third-party services using the trackers.

Once you have the list of services associated with your site, you will have to define the blocking strategy to adopt.

Definition of purposes

Each identified service should be classified in one of these categories:


Strictly necessary










Identification of the type of service integration

For each service, you will have to identify the way in which the js tag is integrated into the page:

  • Direct javascript tag in the page

  • Integration in the js code of the page (internal development)

  • Integration in a tagging tool (Google Tag Manager)

  • Others: iframe, ...

Definition of the blocking strategy to adopt

To block cookies by default, there are several possible strategies that will depend on your needs:

  • Don't use it anymore: this library is actually not needed, so you can remove it completely from the site sources;

  • Block it completely: The execution of the tag is totally blocked as long as the user has not accepted the cookies;

  • Partial blocking: Only the tracking features are blocked (if the library allows it). Some libraries can indeed work with a completely degraded mode without any performance degradation.

Cookies scanning

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