1. Identification

Learn how to identify risks in Dastra.

When creating a new risk, you are asked to fill in the identification details.

Position your risk in an organizational unit (by default, this will be the same as the treatment unit if the risk is attached to a processing activity).

Define an owner for each risk. This person will be responsible for monitoring and managing the risk.

And choose a risk type.

Dastra lets you create a risk type repository. This will save you time and enable you to reuse risk types on other assets.

If your risk type is not in the repository, don't worry, just add it directly from this interface.

Add a risk type

By creating a risk type, you can reuse this information to generate this type of risk on as many assets as you wish. For example, you may wish to identify the same risk on several of your subcontractors. All you need to do is enter the risk type once, and reuse it for each subcontractor or service provider.

Identifying the type of risk

A risk can be defined as the combination of a feared event and one or more threats of this feared event occurring. It is measured in terms of likelihood (probability of occurrence) and severity (impact).

Dreaded event

To add a type of risk, it is necessary to identify the feared event and its impact. The feared event is the consequence of the occurrence of a risk.

Classically, 3 types of feared event are evoked in terms of information systems security and/or privacy. In fact, the RGPD calls on us to guarantee the security of personal data along these three lines.

  • Breach of confidentiality

  • Breach of availability

  • Breach of integrity

With Dastra, the possibilities for creating feared events are unlimited. You can create your own categories of feared events. We can also imagine an industrial accident, an act of corruption, etc. In our approach, we'll concentrate initially on risks to information systems. For each feared event, you are asked to specify the impact it will have on the situation.

In the description of the feared event, specify the impacts.

Impacts may vary depending on the context and the object for which the risk is being addressed. In the case of risks relating to personal data, the impacts will consist of damage to individuals (identity theft, false accusations, loss of civil status, etc.).


For each feared event, we need to identify the threat(s) that will enable it to occur. A scenario needs to be devised. You can use past events or your imagination to anticipate what might happen.

Dastra offers template repositories in particular for generic threats. To import them, you need to search for generic threats in the library by selecting the "templates" source.


Risk sources are the elements that will enable the feared event to occur (who or what could cause the feared event?).

To do this, we need to take into account human sources: e.g. a computer administrator, a cyber-attacker, a foreign state... and non-human sources: e.g. water, an earthquake, a non-targeted computer virus.

Control points

For each risk, we need to identify the existing or planned measures that will enable us to deal with the risk.

These control points can be of several types:

  • security measures,

  • technical measures,

  • organizational measures,

  • or legal or functional measures.

ISO 27001 identifies standard control points for information system security risks. The CNIL data security guide also proposes a number of control points in the field of personal data protection.


Within a risk type, you can include a risk assessment. This assessment will be included in the final risk.

Pre-assessment allows you to save time on the future risks you will have on this basis. The assessment is made in terms of probability and impact, according to the scale you have set.

You can identify the initial risk: this is the theoretical risk associated with the activity.

It can also be defined as the initial risk, before any control measures (internal control). You can also identify the residual risk: this is the risk remaining after the implementation of control measures (control points in particular).

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