Custom Reporting

This page explains how Dastra's custom reports work.

This powerful feature lets you create customized reports, tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, this user-friendly feature gives you maximum flexibility in extracting important information from Dastra data.

Quick start

  1. Click on the "Custom reports" menu on the left

  2. Reports are organized in a category system. Before creating your first report, you need to create a first category

  3. Click on create report and choose one of the two options: create new report or create from template


  • Metric: a metric is a measurable value that can be used to group (aggregate) elements Example: the number of processes, the average processing time for a task..

  • Dimension: in contrast to a metric, a dimension does not allow data to be aggregated. It is a simple property (= column) of an element. Example: processing name, processing status, reference, etc.

Report construction

Basic principles

  1. Data Selection: Choose the data you wish to include in your report. Our user-friendly interface lets you easily browse your datasets and select the relevant variables (metrics and dimensions) from the various Dastra tables.

  2. Advanced filters: Refine your results using advanced filters. Create specific criteria to extract only the data relevant to your analysis.

  3. Graph customization: Bring your reports to life by customizing graphs and tables. Modify the chart styles that best suit your needs.

  4. Multiple export: Export your reports in various formats such as PDF, Excel or CSV. Easily share your results with colleagues, customers or partners. Easily integrate your data with tools such as PowerBI.

Data selection

Data table selection

Select the different data tables you wish to query: processes, processing stages, purpose, tags... You can query up to 6 different tables in each report.

Click on "Next" when you have selected the tables.

Please note that once the tables have been selected, you will not be able to go back and modify them.

​Report construction using metrics and dimensions

Build your report by selecting the metrics and dimensions you wish to display.

Click on the "Save" button at the bottom right of the page

Data is automatically aggregated by dimension to calculate the selected metrics.

Example: If you select the variable "No. of data processing operations" and "Status", you will obtain a report grouped as follows

Customized report display and graphic visualization

Once the report has been created, you will be redirected to the following page:

To add a graph, click on "Add a graph".

You can then define several chart categories.

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