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To activate the 'Questionnaires' feature in your Privacy Hub, refer to the general configuration section where you can enable or disable this option. Once enabled, a new public page titled 'Questionnaires' will be added to your Privacy Hub.
To add a questionnaire, select the questionnaires to share in your Privacy Hub by clicking Add Questionnaires. A selection window will appear, allowing you to choose one or more questionnaires to add. After making your selection, click Add to confirm. The available questionnaires correspond to those installed in the Questionnaires module within this workspace.
You can remove or add additional questionnaires to your Privacy Hub at any time. Added questionnaires will be displayed on the 'Questionnaires' page of your Privacy Hub.
This rich text (HTML) field lets you customize a message with formatting options and include images or videos. This message will appear on the public 'Questionnaires' page of your Privacy Hub, above the list of questionnaires available in your portal.
By default, the questionnaires displayed in your Privacy Hub use the same name as their original template. However, you can change the name displayed in the portal without affecting the original template name by clicking Edit Name and Description.
Once you’ve selected your questionnaires, you can reorder their display using the drag-and-drop function. The display order on your public Privacy Hub will match the order defined on this configuration page.
To highlight specific questionnaires, click the pin icon. Pinned questionnaires will always appear at the top of the list, regardless of their configuration order. Additionally, they will also be accessible from the homepage sidebar of your hub, as well as from the 'Questionnaires' page.