Data visualization

Learn how to visualize data in Dastra


In Dastra, data can be viewed in several ways:

  • The treatment organizational tree,

  • The data mapping of the treatment register,

  • Data transfers.

Change the Record view

To change the way treatments are displayed in your record, go to the "Record of processing activities" module in the left-hand banner of the screen. By default, the treatments are displayed in table mode. Click on the arrow to the right of the "List view" button.

The first choice "List view" refers to the standard view of the treatment record.

In addition to the table view, a list view and a tree view are also available.

View the treatment tree

View the mapping of your record and transfers

The record data map and the transfer map are available in the tabs at the top of your screen, above your list.

View the record data mapView the transfers map

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