Structure of a contract

Details of the structure of a contract in Dastra

Once your contract is created, you will be redirected to the contract editing view.

Structure of the contract's edit page

The title

You will find the editable title of your contract at the top left corner.

Main actions menu

A menu of main actions located at the top right allows you to manage contract signatures, versioning, process steps, and saving.

Shortcuts menu

A shortcut menu at the top left also allows you to access internal discussions about the contract, associated tasks, questionnaires, modification history, and regular contract reviews. If navigating from the contracts dashboard (and you have more than one contract saved), arrow buttons are also available for moving between contracts.

The menu of contract sections to be filled in

A menu at the top right allows you to navigate between different sections of the contract to be filled in, such as documents, assets, signatories, and users.

The field editing area within the sections

A contract currently consists of four sections: Documents, Assets, Signatories, and Users. The fields to be filled in for each section are displayed on the right side of the screen and change as you navigate from one section to another using the section menu (as mentioned above).

Documents preview

An area where you can preview the documents of your contract (the main contract and any annexes).

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